Secrets of coffee
In the past, we used to hear that coffee is very low, because the coffee is very hot, it causes constipation, hot flashes in people, people in the hangover when they drink coffee, mouth ... Many people often drink coffee Toad, coffee pavement of unclear origin, especially the office staff often encountered such hot situation.
Is the truth true?
The truth is if you are drinking coffee mixed with soybeans, corn, chemicals. Essentially, when you are not drinking coffee, you are taking the body and starch of soybeans and chemicals and additives. The most obvious sign is that when you finish your coffee, you feel in your mouth full of plaque, nausea, discomfort such as dizziness, chest pain, nausea caused by chemicals (other than heart palpitations Robusta coffee has a lot of caffeine. Looking coffee cup you will see the black coffee, although given a lot of ice, water matched, warm aroma (aroma natural coffee roasted light aroma, especially when drinking to the throat, real coffee The chemicals will have a pleasant aromatic mild flavor.
It is not true if you are drinking pure coffee, or roasted coffee (without adding any spices or additives, including salted butter)
Coffee does not have chemicals that cause heat in people. Previously, due to the use of soybeans, popcorn fire to imitate the coffee, the manufacturer must add mangosteen or nut shell to make bitter and fake coffee. Mangosteens and nuts in traditional medicine are used to treat diarrhea, especially severe diarrhea. Therefore, when the body is normal (without diarrhea), we drink this coffee will be the phenomenon of constipation, hot in the body. The truth is at this point.
Or if not for the seeds, mangosteen, the manufacturer will give the secret (the bitter taste to simulate the bitter taste of coffee) is a medicine to treat malaria, taste very bitter, medicinal properties very hot to kill the malaria parasites that are in the body. When the body is normally receiving these substances will be nausea, dizziness, mouth sores.
One cup of coffee is fragrant, 98% of the main ingredient is coffee, the other 2% is aroma and good ingredients of coffee. Choose a safe health coffee. Pure coffee is not black, water is not thick, coffee is not cling, stone. Coffee must have a cockroach, light aroma, deep throat in the throat when drinking, so long with ice will be coca color, leaving no plaque in the roof of the mouth. When drinking finished, will feel refreshed, alert, not constipation phenomenon, hot in people.
Your coffee business will have stable customers and good revenue when the cup of clean and pure coffee has good characteristics on. Customers will feel the freshness of roasted coffee and will just visit your coffee shop because they will not find anywhere else coffee cup is so natural and pure taste.