I love you like a cup of coffee the morning!
I love you like a cup of coffee the morning!
*** I LOVE YOU ***
If someone confessed to a girl like that, one would get the response like? A surprised smile, a gaze question mark, or simply girls will laugh and take it as a joke seems strange. But for those who need four cups of coffee per day, which is really saying seriously.
"Honey, I love you like a cup of coffee so, do you know why?" - because every morning woke up, he could not think of a cup of coffee on the desk to wake the morning of located. So, if you love me as a cup of coffee early, it means that every day wake up, the first thing I remember is his.
"I'll just always iced coffee drink, a cup of black stones dear brother" - coffee philosophy says: "Do not reheat coffee. Because if reheat the coffee will lose flavor and cause bitterness. Delicious drinks and an unpleasant smell". Just like life, do not look back, let the past go through and not tormented by it. Just as we will not several important past that will only look at the present.
"I was a glass coffee grinders" - because you humble and pure. Kids purity to every drop falling into his heart, with all the patience in your eyes. Excuse me hastily when you - were in front of him, quite warm as the tiny coffee pot, which contains the waiting, longing to touch his lips to ... Kids and coffee.